Chapter 7

Best for Individuals who:

  • Have little to no assets;
  • Have an income of less than 150% the poverty level established for Florida;
  • Need to eliminate certain debts, in order to start fresh; and
  • Are willing to sell any un-exempt assets.
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Chapter 13

Best for Individuals who:

  • have some assets;
  • have enough monthly income to payoff most, if not all, of his/her Debts in a period of three to five years; and
  • do not want to forfeit any of his/her assets.

Also ideal for the person looking to apply for a Loan Modification or is looking to save an asset from the imminent threat of a Foreclosure.

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Chapter 11

Strictly for:

  • Corporations and Wealthy Individuals.
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Free Consultation

Florida Bankruptcy Lawyer

If you find yourself unable to meet your financial obligations due to accumulated debts, filing for bankruptcy can be a beneficial choice to improve your financial situation. Our firm understands why many people are hesitant about filing for bankruptcy. Understandably, many individuals may feel hesitant about taking this step, but there is no need to feel ashamed.

Photo of an Attorney with Gavel on Desk

Working with a Florida bankruptcy attorney can help you feel secure about your financial decisions. Contact Rivera Law Firm for a free initial consultation and confidential assessment of your financial problems. We can provide sound legal advice on the following:

  • Bankruptcy cases
  • Bankruptcy relief
  • Bankruptcy paperwork
  • Debt problems
  • Debt consolidation
  • Financial security
  • Your financial future
  • Overwhelming debt
  • Credit card debt
  • Other unsecured debt
  • Financial difficulties

Photo of Two Men Shaking Hands

Selecting the wrong bankruptcy law firm can have detrimental consequences for your financial well-being. Inadequate representation or lack of expertise can lead to various negative outcomes. Firstly, an inexperienced or incompetent bankruptcy law firm may fail to accurately assess your financial situation and guide you toward the most suitable bankruptcy option. This can result in filing for the wrong chapter of bankruptcy, leading to unnecessary complications, the possibility of losing your assets, and potentially prolonging the process.

Furthermore, a subpar bankruptcy law firm may not provide the level of attention and personalized service you require. They may lack the necessary resources to handle your case effectively, leading to delays, errors, and even potential legal repercussions. Additionally, an inexperienced firm may be unaware of critical legal nuances, jeopardizing your chances of obtaining maximum debt relief.

Choosing the wrong bankruptcy law firm can undermine your chances of a successful bankruptcy resolution and exacerbate your financial difficulties. It is crucial to thoroughly research and select a reputable, experienced firm to ensure the best possible outcome for your situation.

Florida Bankruptcy Lawyer FAQ

By consulting with your FL Bankruptcy attorney and debt relief agency, you can receive guidance identifying the optimal approach to address your credit card debt and other financial challenges. Below, we have compiled a list of commonly asked questions from our clients regarding the debt removal process and the potential benefits of pursuing bankruptcy to attain the necessary financial relief you seek.

What can a Bankruptcy Protect?

Bankruptcy can protect:

  • primary residence
  • investment properties
  • cars
  • wages 
  • peace of mind!


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Which Bankruptcy to file?

You and your attorney will decide!

This is a questions for you and your attorney to decide.  Not all cases are the same, so it all depends on your particular circumstances.

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Will Bankruptcy be the End?

Bankruptcy is only the Beginning!

Bankruptcy is only a tool that can help you get your life back on track, and you do not have to lose everything in the process.

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How is Life like after Bankruptcy

No more creditor calls!

Remember a time without creditors calling you? A time when you slept a little better? That is what life after bankruptcy could look like for you.

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